Hello Hello ! (:
I'm such a terrible blogger... one day I compose about 3 posts and then totally forget about blogging for weeks. However my life is quite stressful at the moment, I've started doing my portfolio for a Fashion Design and Business course for which I'll apply next autumn furthermore I've been sending applications for different jobs and internships and still I have to do loads of work for school.
But the thing is that these reasons shouldn't be excuses because I actually enjoy blogging :/
Anyway, I'll give you an little update what I recently enjoyed to do (:
Starting off with books
Oh mighty Tim Burton :D I just love his films and I now bought myself his book which is full of lovely creepy poems and nice quirky drawings.
My favourite one by the way is "Voodoo Girl" .
I also read book 4 of "The Morganville Vampires", it was quite nice but nothing compared to the first 3 books... Well I thing I'll still read the whole series ;)
"Learning" from Perfume Genius is an amazing album worth listening to over and over again because his melancholy voice is making you addicted (:
"Pocketknife" from Kat Frankie , I told you about her in one of my last posts after I listened to a few of her songs on Youtube, well now I finally got one of her albums :3
I can 100% rely on rockabilly songs to get out of bed in the morning because they wake me up no matter how tired I am and turn a horrible day into the best day of...the week lol
Thank you for reading :)
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